Monday, September 13, 2010

The above picture was taken in the years around where the Roswell UFO crash was reported. Some of the elite people of this world who had intimate knowledge of ufo's carelessly left this picture around and someone passed it around until it got onto this site.

Alien babies aren't always pretty but then again human babies are a bit wrinkled and messy too. This alien baby picture is from the 1950's. Heavens only knows what was thought of the person that took this alien picture way back then but we are glad they were brave enough to pick up their camera and take a picture of the alien baby. We are even more glad that they were brave enough to make sure the picture made it into the public. We don't know what happened to this baby but we do hope it wasn't harmed in anyway but sadly, it probably wasn't treated very nicely.

This scary looking alien body was found in a cave in Brazil.

The best thing about this alien picture is that it shows that somebody somewhere was trying to keep this alien alive. That gives us hope that not everyone that comes in contact with a real alien is looking to exploit them for negative reasons. This picture of a dying alien shows the alien in a seriously frail state but fighting to stay alive. We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life.

Click on this picture to get a better view of it. I took this picture in Egypt on a wall of stone inscriptions and hieroglyphics. Look at this person's head, the shape of it is clearly not human. Also his eyes seem almond shaped. You can also notice that a part of the back of his head is chipped off. Like many alien looking creatures on the walls of Egypt the heads and faces were chipped off by someone. They probably didn't want us to reach the logical conclusion that aliens existed way back in ancient history. How else could all the amazingly built structures and carvings of Egypt get accomplished. If you go to Egypt today you will notice that no one can carve like the ancients did. No one knows how to build pyramids. How could all this talent be lost all of a sudden. The logical answer is that those who knew how just took off, maybe to some far away planet. What I think is that there were some aliens in remote history, not a ton but some. They used their technology to build things and they also showed some normal humans how to use their technology. When the aliens left, their technology was lost to us. To build a Great Pyramid like in Egypt today, would take a long time because of our limited technology.

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